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A helpless little dog was stuck inside a tube for five hours, and needed the help of firefighters to rescue it by cutting it free.

Dogs can be mischievous and curious creatures which can sometimes lead them into trouble. They often do not consider the potential dangers or risks that come with their playful or adventurous behavior. In fact, dogs can even end up with their head stuck in a pipe, just like what happened to this particular dog.

The Kennett Fire Department received a distress call about a stray dog trapped in a pipe in Arbyrd, Missouri. The situation was urgent as it was difficult to rescue the poor creature from the predicament.

Upon arriving at the scene, the rescue team quickly realized the severity of the situation. As reported by Kait 8, the unfortunate animal had become trapped in the Black Gold Potato Field area at around 8:00 am on Thursday, May 20th.

Liberating her required a great deal of effort and advanced tools. In fact, the firefighters spent a total of 5 hours laboring to remove the fuzz that clogged the tube, ultimately requiring them to cut it out.

According to the fire chief Paul Spain, being cautious about the location and method of cutting the animal and trying to keep it calm was a difficult task.

Spain said, “We were successful in reducing its suffering. However, the animal was exhausted, severely lacking in hydration and desperate for food.”

As a matter of fact, the dog was transported to the Kennett Veterinary Clinic while still having a tube attached to her. It was at this point that she was sedated and the remaining metal objects were removed from her body.

According to Spain, the dog showed signs of excitement and alertness every time the pipe was removed, which was a fantastic outcome. To many of us, pets hold just as much value as human life. Spain expressed gratitude for the phone call they received. The fireman added that the dog would have a comfortable home in the future.

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