Miley Cyrus Shines at Marc Jacobs HQ in New York Fashion Fitting

Pop superstar Miley Cyrus recently made a special visit to the New York City headquarters of celebrated fashion designer Marc Jacobs, where she had the opportunity to peruse and try on pieces from his latest collections.

Miley Cyrus at the March Jacobs head office for a fashion fitting in New York

Photos and videos from Cyrus’ visit reveal the singer-songwriter reveling in the experience, beaming with delight as she sifted through the racks of designer garments and eagerly slipped into a series of high-fashion looks.

Miley Cyrus 2020 : Miley Cyrus at the March Jacobs head office for a fashion fitting in New York-01

Clad in a sheer, polka-dot blouse and a pair of sleek, high-waisted trousers, Cyrus posed for snapshots, striking a series of confident, model-esque poses that showcased her innate sense of style and flair for the dramatic.

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The singer’s excitement was palpable as she rotated through various ensembles, occasionally breaking out into playful dance moves or flashing a brilliant, teeth-baring grin at the camera. It was clear that Cyrus was thoroughly enjoying her time immersed in the world of high fashion, relishing the opportunity to indulge her sartorial sensibilities.

Miley Cyrus 2020 : Miley Cyrus at the March Jacobs head office for a fashion fitting in New York-03

Cyrus’ visit to the Marc Jacobs headquarters comes as no surprise to those familiar with her long-standing relationship with the iconic designer. The two have collaborated on numerous occasions over the years, with Jacobs frequently tapping Cyrus to appear in his brand’s campaigns and fashion shows.

Miley Cyrus 2020 : Miley Cyrus at the March Jacobs head office for a fashion fitting in New York-04

Their creative synergy is undeniable, with Cyrus’ bold, boundary-pushing aesthetic aligning seamlessly with Jacobs’ own penchant for avant-garde, experimental design. Together, they have pushed the boundaries of traditional fashion, championing a shared vision of self-expression and individuality.

Miley Cyrus 2020 : Miley Cyrus at the March Jacobs head office for a fashion fitting in New York-05

This latest interaction between Cyrus and Jacobs serves as a testament to their enduring partnership and mutual admiration. The singer’s enthusiasm and joy during the fitting session only further solidify her status as a true style icon, a fearless fashion risk-taker unafraid to embrace her most authentic self.

Miley Cyrus 2020 : Miley Cyrus at the March Jacobs head office for a fashion fitting in New York-10

As Cyrus continues to captivate audiences with her multifaceted artistry, her visit to the Marc Jacobs headquarters offers a glimpse into the creative process behind some of the most cutting-edge designs in the industry. It’s a collaboration that promises to yield even more innovative and exciting fashion moments in the future, as these two visionary talents continue to push the boundaries of style and self-expression.

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