Is Matthew the Final Villain of ‘Love Is Blind’? Fans Allege Disturbing Pattern of Psychological Abuse

As the third season of the hit Netflix reality dating series “Love Is Blind” barrels towards its dramatic conclusion, one name has emerged as the focus of intense fan scrutiny and backlash: Matthew Barnett.

Matthew from Season 6 of 'Love Is Blind'

The 27-year-old structural engineer, who found himself engaged to not one but two women during his time in the show’s infamous “pods,” has long been a polarizing figure among viewers. But now, as more details of his tumultuous relationships come to light, many are beginning to wonder if Barnett may in fact be the season’s ultimate villain.

The accusations against Barnett are serious and wide-ranging. Fans have accused the reality star of systematically manipulating and emotionally abusing both of his fiancées, Amber Pike and Giannina Gibelli, throughout the course of the show’s filming.

'Love Is Blind' pods

“The way Matthew has treated these women is absolutely appalling,” wrote one outraged viewer on Reddit. “He’s played them against each other, lied to them constantly, and shown a complete disregard for their feelings. It’s textbook psychological abuse, and I hope Netflix takes a long, hard look at his behavior.”

Others have gone even further, likening Barnett’s actions to those of a “sociopath” and calling for his immediate removal from the series.

“Matthew is not just a villain, he’s a danger,” declared one commenter on the show’s official Instagram page. “The way he’s manipulated and gaslit these women is deeply disturbing. He needs to be held accountable, not given a platform to continue abusing people.”

The specific allegations against Barnett are numerous and disturbing. Fans claim he intentionally misled both Amber and Giannina about the nature of his feelings and commitments, leading them to believe they were his one and only choice. They also allege that he pitted the two women against each other, using their insecurities and vulnerabilities to sow seeds of doubt and jealousy.

Perhaps most troubling of all, however, are the claims that Barnett’s behavior extended beyond mere emotional manipulation, with some viewers accusing him of engaging in coercive and even physically abusive actions towards his fiancées.

“The way he gripped Amber’s arm and shoved her at the altar was terrifying,” wrote one concerned fan. “And the reports of him grabbing Giannina and throwing her to the ground…it’s just horrific. This man is dangerous, and he needs to be stopped.”

Netflix, for its part, has remained largely silent on the growing controversy surrounding Barnett. The streaming giant has yet to issue any official statement or take disciplinary action against the reality star, leading many to question whether the company is willing to turn a blind eye to such egregious behavior in the name of ratings and viewership.

As the season barrels towards its conclusion, the calls for justice and accountability only seem to be growing louder. Fans are demanding that Barnett be held responsible for his actions, with some even going so far as to launch petitions and social media campaigns calling for his immediate removal from the show.

Whether Netflix will heed these calls remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: Matthew Barnett’s legacy as the potential villain of “Love Is Blind” is one that will be long-remembered – and heavily scrutinized – by a fanbase that is no longer willing to tolerate such abusive behavior, even in the name of reality TV entertainment.

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